Doseform: Before and after

Doseform came to Fletch seeking guidance on how to get more specific with their positioning to support investments in a repeatable go-to-market program.

"Like most early stage startups, we built a lot while searching for PMF. Working with the Fletch team has helped us narrow our focus and play to our strength. We now have a message that is crisp, customer calls are quickly advancing to next stages in a matter of weeks. A huge milestone in healthcare sales."

"Like most early stage startups, we built a lot while searching for PMF. Working with the Fletch team has helped us narrow our focus and play to our strength. We now have a message that is crisp, customer calls are quickly advancing to next stages in a matter of weeks. A huge milestone in healthcare sales."

Tochi Yaba

Co-Founder & CEO, Doseform

Generic positioning on broad use case
No mention of the problem they solve
Speaks to outcomes without clarity on what the product actually does


Positioned on a more specific use case (patient order updates)
Highlights specific challenge of their target customer
Details their most compelling capabilities


Generic positioning on broad use case
No mention of the problem they solve
Speaks to outcomes without clarity on what the product actually does


Positioned on a more specific use case (patient order updates)
Highlights specific challenge of their target customer
Details their most compelling capabilities
