Anvilogic: Before and after

Anvilogic came to Fletch feeling good about their positioning, but felt their homepage messaging could be sharpened. Specifically, they were looking for guidance on two things: 1) What features to prioritize 2) How to best explain the highly technical features.



Lacks clarity around why they're better than the main alternative (Splunk)
Over emphasis on benefits without explaining how they get the benefits
Doesn't explain the problem being solved


Positions sharply relative to the main alternative (Splunk)
Leads with clear capabilities that highlight their differentiation
Pinpoints the specific problem being addressed


Lacks clarity around why they're better than the main alternative (Splunk)
Over emphasis on benefits without explaining how they get the benefits
Doesn't explain the problem being solved


Positions sharply relative to the main alternative (Splunk)
Leads with clear capabilities that highlight their differentiation
Pinpoints the specific problem being addressed
